Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Message

There is a lively debate generated by the commentators who think they can explain precisely the message sent across the world by any action. They count themselves capable of reading the minds of the nations. It should be no surprise that their analysis reflects their own value system..

Critics of Jesus said his message of love for enemies sent a message of weakness and self-doubt.  Critics of Martin Luther King held that he sent a message of racism. Critics of President Obama say his actions sent the message that he is a dictator who caved before overwhelming objections to his actions. 

"Sending a message" is a cheap way of evaluating any action since it avoids dealing with the issue  involved; and it is clearly a prejudiced opinion. Evaluating motives, projecting results, analyzing effects . . . .that takes time and thought. 

In the case of President Obama, many regard his retreat from his personal aim to attack Syria as a bow to the democratic majority. Government of, by and for the people is still alive.